Media releases

Prof. Saloni Krishnani

Language learning difficulties in children linked to brain differences

Dr. Jeanne Shinskey

Screen age angst: how to raise happier kids in the digital age

Prof. Kathy Rastle

Ledarning to read

Prof. Dawn Watling

Where in nature do you feel happiest?

Dr. Jeanne Shinskey

This is why we can’t remember our early childhood memories

Dr. Jessie Ricketts

Reading, Oracy and Vocabulary

Prof. Amina Menon

Language learning difficulties in children linked to brain differences

Dr. Kaili Rimfeld

Why a bit of grtit won’t get children higher grades

Dr. Kaili Rimfeld

The same genes influence exam results across a range of school subjects

Dr. Kaili Rimfeld

The same genes influence exam results across a range of school subjects